
The association is voluntary non-profit organization, operating within the territory of the Czech Republic and in other countries with a legal entity under the Czech law. The organization is open to all individuals and institutions, regardless of political, social, religious or other orientation. International Educational Center GEMS was established in 2011 with focus to provide international experience to young people, according our motto: “In school, you get lessons, and then the test. In life, you get the test, and then lessons.” IEC GEMS is open to all young people and also to youth workers and teachers, without any discrimination with special support to young people coming from socially disadvantaged background, also those from institutional care. IEC GEMS is member of Anna Lindh Foundation and member of Youth4media network. The organization is based in Prague, but cooperates nationally a regionally with bodies in rural areas

The Italian Chapter of the System Dynamics Society (named as “Chapter” in the following) has been founded with the idea of being an Italian branch of the international System Dynamic Society (named as “Society”, in the following), with the goal of supporting all the activities carried out by the Society for the dissemination and promotion of the system thinking approach and the system dynamics methodology at a national level. The Association consists of a group of experts, consultants and entrepreneurs interested in the Dynamics of Systems in various ways:

  • Interacting and establishing formal and operational links with other related associations and study groups, both at national and European level, but also with scientific bodies and associations concerning other disciplines;
  • Promote the realization of seminars, workshops, conferences, and other research, study and training initiatives in order to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between experts of System Dynamics methodology and similar and / or alternative approaches.
  • Participation in regional, national and European funding proposals with to projects aimed at improving modern society, with particular reference to the study and to the analysis of social problems, the environment, socio-economic and cultural development;
  • The study, design, analysis of impacts and evaluation of policies / strategies related to organizational and social change,sharing experiences acquired and those that over time have matured among all the practitioners of the methodology Currently SYDIC counts more than 50 Italian associates from all over Italy and abroad.and over 200 members not officially associated.

Among them there are numerous leading scholars of the Italian academic and scientific community (Research Centers and Universities in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Naples, Genoa, Florence, Palermo, etc.), with knowledge and skills ranging from engineering and business management up to social and natural sciences.

Association AKTYVISTAI was founded in 2013 and is based in Kaunas, Lithuania. Last years saw the association mainly promoting youth development, mobilities of young people and fostering active participation, in order to spread the ideas of sustainable development, as well as promote non-formal education as a tool for intercultural learning and self-development.  The attitude of the organization involves being ACTIVE, POSITIVE and ENJOYING life.
The aim of AKTYVISTAI is to coordinate all the actions in a way that would allow  its members to freely use their skills and experiences for implementing their ideas. They support people to feel motivated and united, and to be involved in events, trainings and other activities.

NGO NEST Berlin is an umbrella organisation  for promoting and executing international projects to create an impact for social change. With our network partners we support adults and youths through functioning as a hub for European projects – from project design to research and implementation.  NEST is thus strongly involved in the design and management of international projects in all sectors of Erasmus+ (Youth, Adult, VET, Schools, Sports) as well as in H2020, AMIF and EuropeAid. Moreover, as a trusted organisation for volunteering activities, through European Solidarity Corps and other international youth programs, NEST is regularly engaged in sending and receiving young people from all over Europe and Africa.

Woman and Young Entrepreneurship Centre Association is a non-profit organization and founded on March 2008, since 13 years, we are non-political organization, and working which aims at empowering youth, human rights, entrepreneurship,agriculture, tourism, woman, democracy, promoting peace and integration among people with different backgrounds, through assisting them in acquiring knowledge about different traditions and cultures, developing their tolerance and acceptance. Activities: Decentralized cooperation in various sectors: local-regional-national democracy, environment,    entrepreneurship learning, local economic development, social care, social inclusion, educational, cultural activities, with special attention given to women, youth and human rights protection -Support and assistance to local-regional-national initiatives for fighting domestic violence – Activities of awareness raising in local-regional-national communities about human rights, equal participation of women in politics with men citizens participation and promotion of European integrations -Activities of mediation and support to building of active civil society on the local level -Research, analysis and publication of documents about the conditions of the society and social needs.